Quality Ladies Fashion



Most Loved Designs


Everything You Need


Everything You Need

Ballet Apparel

High Quality Ware

Here at Cheryls we sell dresses, shoes, handbags, wool, fabrics, haberdashery and more. By More we mean: more than 45 years of expertise, our special brand of customer service, and a personal touch.

It starts when you arrive at our beautiful Store.

There is ample parking for even the busiest of times. Our shop is well laid out, and it is easy to find what you are looking for. When you leave, you leave with more than your purchases. You leave with happiness in your heart.


Hear What Our Happy Clients have To Say!

I would like to thank you for the wonderful 25 years that I could shop at your lovely Boutique Cheryl's in Springs. I was always made so welcome by yourself and your family and I never walk out there without something special. I always felt like a million dollars..
Lulu Erasmus
Ek het my ma die eerste keer gebring in 1982 om haar rok te koop vir haar tweede huwelik. Sedert dien het ek altyd vir ‘n geleentheid by jou ingeval vir ‘n mooi skepping.
Fransie Watt
My skoonma Suze Moodie was seker meer as 30 jaar n klient van Cheryl's. Sy het altyd die mooiste en beste kwaliteit klere gedra. So het ek n klient van Cheryl's geword, en dit is seker al meer as 15 jaar. Ek kry nog steeds dieselfde diens. Julle by Cheryl's is die beste. Dankie vir die goeie diens.
Elta Moodie
Cheryl's service : Excellent , always warm, welcoming, friendly, understanding & professional. Been with the shop since 2008.
Rakgadi Mathathe
Ek koop al meer as 20 jaar by Cheryl's. Dit is die beste diens wat jy kan kry in Springs. Die personeel is baie behulpsaam en vriendelik. Gewoonlik word die inkopie n kuier.
Louisa Grundling
Dit moet al tussen 20 en 30 jaar wees wat ek by Cheryl's koop en nog altyd uitsonderlike diens (en vriendskap) ontvang het. Julle en jul personeel is besondere mense wat vriendelik en baie hulpvaardig is. Alles in Cheryl's is van hoë standaard en die beste kwaliteit.
Elize Groesbeek

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